MASS FASHION WEEK 2024 Grand Finally
The grand finale of @massfashionweek wrapped up an incredible week at @thevaultfunctionhall in
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wrence! The show was a celebration of style, featuring standout looks from some of Massachusetts’ talented designers.
Keep an eye on our story for exclusive insights from the models! #MassFashionWeek #BOLDNBEAUTIFUL #FashionFinale #2BLUNT Hide
She Got Drive on BOLD 'N' Beautiful
@leah.j16 shared her inspiring perspective on what BOLD N Beautiful truly means at her empowering
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-women’s @she.gotdrive event.
Big moves, big energy, and a whole lot of beauty in strength and ambition.
#WomenEmpowerment #BOLDNBeautiful #SheGotDrive #2BLUNT Hide
The Urban Collective Fashion Show
The Urban Collective was a fashion show put together by the students of @suffolkcsn. The show took
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lace Saturday evening and went really well. Shout out 2 @arantxamelendezz @nay.ellie and the rest of the E-Board for putting together a great night. Salud to host @clinxton and all the artists, models and designers for their awesome work! Visit our #BOLDNBeautiful blog to read all about the event! Link in bio! Photos provided by @j_maldonado781
Peaches on BOLDnBeautiful
Spring is here and we are gearing up to broadcast the BOLD women of the community who are sprouting
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heir very own movements. #BOLDnBeautiful is a channel on our platform dedicated to highlighting local business women and influencers. Join us as we touch base on #wellness #beauty and #fashion. 2BLUNT.COM/BOLD Hide
Founder of House FashioN Week Exclusive interview with BOLD N Beautiful.
BOLD n Beautiful on 2BluntTv
In Atlanta, these lovely ladies shared with us what #BOLDnBeautiful meant to them! Check out the
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k vid and be sure to visit our platform for more content on women empowerment! 2BLUNT.COM/BOLD Hide
Meal Prep with Focused Gainz
Sarah explains why meal prepping for the week is beneficial and showcases how to prepare a few
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for a healthy week of eating and snacking. This episode has a warm feel with a featured song from Patterson, NJ's Olivia Wilds. Olivia's soulful vocals set the mood for good cooking and dinning, you will definitely catch an appetite after this episode! Tune in! #FocusedGainz #BOLDnBeautiful Hide
J & D Modeling Agency on #BoldnBeautiful
J and Model Agency invited us 2 check out one of their photo shoots. It was a good time checking
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all them shades of melanin
Def will see more of @jandmodelagency on #BoldnBeautiful
Boot Camp with Focused Gainz
Every Wednesday evening, Sarah and Focused Gainz team pink up and do a boot camp workout. The group
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ncludes mostly women but men are not excluded! Check out the video and get inspired! Contact @FocusedGainz if you'd like to join the Boot Camp! Hide
June's Way of Slay
June will be holding down our Makeup Tutorial section on #BOLDnBeautiful the name of her segment is
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ppropriately "June's Way of Slay". Stay posted for updates from the make up guru twice a month, exclusively here on 2BluntTv. #2Blunt #2BLUNTTV #BOLDnBeautiful #JunesWayofSlay #MakeupTutorials #MakeupGuru #Beauty #Fashion #Trendy Hide
All Things Art on BOLDnBeautiful
We ran into Latanya at the “Back Against The Wall x Graffiti in Gove Hall” event last week.
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ya and her team are committed to helping the youth of the community by encouraging their participation in the arts. Be sure to check out Latanya and her team on IG @allthingsartinc Hide
Sinsations Interview/ BTS on BOLD 'n' Beautiful
Designer and label owner Sin of Sinsations was gracious enough to let us crash his photoshoot. The
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nsations team did a shoot for their e-commerce site and it was no short of lit. Sin multi-tasked as he directed the shoot and took the time to sit down and answer a few questions. The team worked efficiently and set a cool atmosphere of color and music. Big shout out 2 the lead photographer of the shoot @KyleJvmes, it was a pleasure to watch him work as he effortlessly captured photos of @missssgrey @misscarlaf and @mell_official. Tune in its a great episode! #Sinsations #BOLDnBeautiful Hide
Sunset Picnic on BOLD ‘n’ Beautiful
Anais Summer Day put together a nice get together, Sunset Picnic for BOLD ‘n’ Beautiful women
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all backgrounds. Anais is an event coordinator that puts on aesthetically pleasing events that’s aimed for creating community for young women, particularly single mothers. Tune in as Lavanyai, BOLD ‘n’ Beautiful’s program director, guides us through this wonderfully planned event. Note** Social distancing guidelines were practiced! Hide
SHIMMER on Bold 'n' Beautiful
Boston Center for the Arts for an immersive winter party and fundraiser, SHIMMER. The video
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a presentation curated by Ethan Vogt at the iconic Cyclorama. This winter party blends: fashion, art and music into a completely unique experience. Proceeds go to the BCA and their artist residency programs in visual arts, theatre, music, dance and “interdisciplinary art”. Let’s check it out! Hide
BTS @ Lavanyai's Photo shoot (#BOLDnBeautiful)
Check out behind the scenes of @Lavanyai 's photo shoot! Makeup Artist: Gianelie Bustillo Jewlery
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signer: Angie Brutus Other Model: Richelle Clouden Hide
Link Up at Lawn D with Boston Education Fund
@bostonedfund hosted Link Up at Lawn D, a vibrant back-to-school event featuring vendors from
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the city. The energy was inspiring, especially with so many incredible women business and brand owners. It’s only right we highlight this moment in our BOLD N Beautiful section! #WomenInEducation #WomenInBusiness #SupportLocal #BoldNBeautiful #2BluntTV Hide
Resistance Bands with Focused Gainz
Join us as Sarah from #FocusedGainz shows us how to work out with resistance bands. Resistance
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are a good alternative to working out with free weights or a machines. In this video Sarah highlights the benefits of working out with bands and demonstrates how to use them for several exercises. This video is for all who work out or aspire to get in shape. So throw on your workout gear and get ready to sweat! Or you can just watch for inspiration! Either way its a great watch! If your interested in buying some Resistance Bands for yourself visit Sarah's website at! #Wellness #ResistanceBands #Workout #BOLDnBeautiful #2BLUNT Hide
Fighting Cravings with Focused Gainz
On this video, Sarah takes the time to share with us the importance of healthy snacking. Cravings
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unhealthy habits that can lead to undesired outcomes. In this video we talk about how to identify cravings, how to prevent them and alternative healthy snaking. Tune in! #Wellness #Cravings #FocusedGainz #BOLDnBeautiful #2BLUNT Hide
How To Build an Amazing Butt
This video is for all the ladies that want to stay in shape and keep their figure looking and
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good. Join us as Sarah from Focused Gainz takes us through a Booty Workout, where she focuses on three separate workouts to have donkey looking honkie dory. Stay BOLD'n'Beautiful y'all! Hide
Meal Prep with Focused Gainz
Sarah explains why meal prepping for the week is beneficial and showcases how to prepare a few
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for a healthy week of eating and snacking. This episode has a warm feel with a featured song from Patterson, NJ's Olivia Wilds. Olivia's soulful vocals set the mood for good cooking and dinning, you will definitely catch an appetite after this episode! Tune in! #FocusedGainz #BOLDnBeautiful Hide
Correct Form with Focused Gainz
Correct form is important to maximize performance and ensure safety while working out. Join us as
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rahIsFocused helps us gain correct form in our workouts! Tap in and use these tips for your next work out!
Grocery Shopping with Focused Gainz
Sarah takes us grocery shopping and gives pro tips on how to keep a heathy grocery list to help
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your homes stacked with nutrious meals and snacks. Healthy eating habits are essential for remaining #BOLDnBeautiful. Hide
Push Up Variations by Focused Gainz
Join @SarahisFocused as she walks us through this upper body workout. The focus is push variations
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de for people that are advanced to intermediate. Check it out and see if you can keep up!
Focused Fitness Workout
Join us as Sarah showcases how to stay fit while gyms are still closed due to quarantine! Work
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Bent Over Row Squat Elliptical Pillow Pass Crunch Pop Lunges Hide
Boot Camp with Focused Gainz
Every Wednesday evening, Sarah and Focused Gainz team pink up and do a boot camp workout. The group
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ncludes mostly women but men are not excluded! Check out the video and get inspired! Contact @FocusedGainz if you'd like to join the Boot Camp! Hide
Focused Fitness Introduction
Its summer time and one thing on everyones mind is getting and staying in shape! Well thank
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for Sarah and Focused Gainz brand!! She and her expertises will be joining the Bold 'n' Beautiful team here on 2BluntTv!! Tune in and stay posted for more Wellness content! Hide
On this episode of JUNE'S WAY OF SLAY, June takes the time to try out IL MAKIAGE foundation for the
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irst time. This video is lengthy but gives a good feel of how IL MAKIAGE works. Tune into the video for an exclusive look on the product and to get tips on how to properly apply foundation! Hide
June's Way of Slay: Eyebrow Tutorial
Learn how to pencil in natural glam brows on this episode of June's Way of Slay, June shows us how
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SLAY your eyebrows!! Learn and laugh as June goes through this step by step process. For more exclusive content, be sure to visit the #BOLDnBeautiful platform at 2BLUNT.COM #BOLDnBeautiful #2BLUNT #JUNESWAYOFSLAY #Eyebrowtutorial #glam #makeup #mua Hide
June's Way of Slay
June will be holding down our Makeup Tutorial section on #BOLDnBeautiful the name of her segment is
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ppropriately "June's Way of Slay". Stay posted for updates from the make up guru twice a month, exclusively here on 2BluntTv. #2Blunt #2BLUNTTV #BOLDnBeautiful #JunesWayofSlay #MakeupTutorials #MakeupGuru #Beauty #Fashion #Trendy Hide
Hello Everyone! Lashes named in the video Esqido Mink Lashes "voila Lash" (I pronounced it wrong
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n the video) Kiss Ienvy Lashe "KPE33" ♡ ♡ ♡ ♡ ♡ ♡ ♡ ♡ ♡ ♡ ♡ ♡ ♡ ♡ ♡ ▷ CONNECT WITH ME! TWITTER ‣ INSTAGRAM ‣ SNAPCHAT ‣ msaaliyahjay ▷ OTHER VIDEOS YOU MIGHT WANT TO SEE: EYEBROW ROUTINE » UPDATED MAKEUP ROUTINE » STORY TIME » Hide
ComplexCon: A Photographer’s Perspective
ComplexCon, a melting pot of creativity, trends, and influential personalities, recently played host to a legion of talents, including the local photographer known as Cal Xander (@50cal_turf) , who shared his captivating experience at the event. Accompanied by Hervgotti (@successismycologne), 50cal embarked on this journey with the primary motivation of exposing his work, networking with … Continue reading ComplexCon: A Photographer’s Perspective
Travis Scott @ The Grand
Night life in Greater Boston is really turning up. Wether it’s concerts with local acts or bigger shows with well known headliners the music scene in and around the area seems to be thriving. One of the biggest contributors to the new standard that is being place on Boston night life, The Grand, hosted one … Continue reading Travis Scott @ The Grand
Dusty LOCANE comes to Mezzo
Handsamsos is a well known promoter here in the area and the public was itching to get to one of his shows since outside has opened back up. Providence was the location and Mezzo was the destination and the main act was Canarsie’s own DUSTY LOCANE. He and the members came through ROLLIN’ and everyone … Continue reading Dusty LOCANE comes to Mezzo
Air Jordan Retro 3 – Animal Instinct
Air Jordan 1 Co.JP “Neutral Grey”
Release Date: 7/25/20
ComplexCon, a melting pot of creativity, trends, and influential personalities, recently played host to a legion of talents, including the local photographer known as Cal Xander (@50cal_turf) , who shared his captivating experience at the event. Accompanied by Hervgotti (@successismycologne), 50cal embarked on this journey with the primary motivation of exposing his work, networking with key figures in the sneaker, music, and hip-hop industries, and connecting with emerging creatives from Los Angeles and beyond.

The essence of ComplexCon, as described by Cal Xander, is a pulsating hub of positivity and freshness. Exclusive releases and collaborations were the order of the day, setting the stage for a sensory overload of the latest trends in brands, music, and emerging artists. The event spanned across two days, from 12-7 pm, offering a plethora of panels, events, and performances that added to the overall immersive experience.

One of the highlights for Xander was encountering unexpected personalities, such as Black Sam, Nipsey Hussle's brother, and the surprise appearance of Chief Keef. The chance to photograph the Clermont Twins up close, whom 50cal had been following for a while, added a personal touch to the event. The representation of Boston and Massachusetts, with figures like Felix! and Bori Rock, showcased the event's diverse appeal, bringing together talents from all over including the home team.

For Xander, the trip's pinnacle was the realization of goals set with Herv. The weekend unfolded with organic moments, from random encounters with Xzibit to spending quality time with Madeintyo. Noteworthy was the visit to Last Good Film Labs, owned by Boston native JMP, affirming 50cal’s commitment to quality in film photography.

Reflecting on the experience, Cal expressed a desire to bring his Canon 70-200mm lens to capture Kid Cudi's set more intimately. However, his persistent approach throughout the weekend allowed him to seize numerous opportunities, such as capturing a candid shot of Kerwin Frost while waiting in line.

In terms of gear, Xander shared his equipment details, emphasizing his dedication to film photography with a Canon Rebel 2000, Kodak Portra 400, 120, Cinestill 50d, and occasional digital shots on his Canon EosR with a 50mm lens.

ComplexCon, through Cal Xander lens, emerges as not merely an event but a dynamic space where passion, creativity, and opportunity converge, making it a must-attend for those seeking to immerse themselves in the pulse of contemporary culture.

Release Date: 7/25/20

The Urban Collective Fashion Show
As the first month of 2024 breezed by us, we were graced to attend a few events that set the tone for the whole year. One of those shows was The Urban Collective put together by The Caribbean Student Network at Suffolk University. The show was a refreshing and vibrant as designers from all over … Continue reading The Urban Collective Fashion Show
SabotageMe: Shaylia Thomas Quest to Defy Odds and Embraces Expression
In the world of fashion and empowerment, Shaylia Thomas, a creative force and cancer survivor, stands out as the founder of SabotageMe. Facing a life crisis led Shaylia to discover her passion for fashion and self-expression, ultimately inspiring her to create a brand that embodies courage, strength, and individuality. Shaylia’s journey took a pivotal turn … Continue reading SabotageMe: Shaylia Thomas Quest to Defy Odds and Embraces Expression
House Fashion Week Fall 2023: A Showcase of Artistry, Tradition, and Community
House Fashion Week (HFW) Fall 2023 left an indelible mark on Boston’s fashion scene, captivating audiences with a blend of artistic tradition and a strong sense of community. In exclusive interviews with HFW founder David Jean and production manager Rae White, we delve into the heart and soul of this extraordinary event. In this article … Continue reading House Fashion Week Fall 2023: A Showcase of Artistry, Tradition, and Community
Sky High Fashion Show: A Night of Purposeful Expression
On July 30th, fashion enthusiasts and style connoisseurs gathered in awe at the Sky High Fashion Show, a dazzling event put together by the visionary Jeurys Santiago, also known as Jay Purposeful. This captivating showcase was a celebration of artistry, talent, and purposeful representation. The main attraction of the evening was undoubtedly the Jay’s Purposeful … Continue reading Sky High Fashion Show: A Night of Purposeful Expression
A Dazzling Affair: Unraveling the Fashion Show Extravaganza at ICA Boston
Boston’s Institute of Contemporary Art (ICA) recently played host to a fashion spectacle that left attendees in awe and admiration. The event, curated by the renowned designer By Sharisse (@bysharisse), was a masterful fusion of art, music, and culture, showcasing the city’s vibrant fashion scene like never before. The runway came alive with a captivating … Continue reading A Dazzling Affair: Unraveling the Fashion Show Extravaganza at ICA Boston
Amor Fati
Concerts and tours have come to a halt since the coming of the Coronavirus pandemic, forcing artists to find innovative ways to connect with their fans. Specifically, R&B artists are collectively shifting their focus from consumer to art. Artists like Jazmine Sullivan, Jhene Aiko, Kehlani and Queen Naija bear it all on their most recent … Continue reading Amor Fati
- First of all: A good day can be a decent day.
- Secondly, not all good days start off so good.
- Good days can have sad moments.
- Sad days can still be Good Days.
- Any day that you are alive and get to feel is a good day.
- And lastly, you can choose to have whatever day you wanna have.
2021: The Year of Authenticity
This January 2021 marked the year of Authenticity for the Black Woman. It is an interesting time for us in America, right now. While most things seem to be at a stand-still, black women are forging ahead in all industries, delivering a clear message to the world that says: “We are here”. January 20th, 2021 … Continue reading 2021: The Year of Authenticity
BOLD SsinsationsS
Budding fashion label SsinsationsS has been making visually stunning campaigns that demands attention. Their BOLD designs and sleek aesthetic depicts ‘the current state of the world’ and exercises our imagination of what the 31st century will bring. In this episode Program Coordinator Lavanyai takes the time to interview designer and founder of SsinsationsS. Check them … Continue reading BOLD SsinsationsS
Lavanyai x Harley M Photo
Early this December, Lavanyai put together a photoshoot to celebrate ambition and the pursuit of one’s dreams! These classic photos were taken by @HarleymPhotography was a gracious host at his Brockton based studio headquarters. The beautiful Lavanyai was styled by @IamTwistID and the shoot was directed by creative director @evetheedancer. Click the shows tab to … Continue reading Lavanyai x Harley M Photo
Focused Fitness Boot Camp
Sarah is focused and sure is showing it by helping others reach their athletic potential! Every Wednesday evening Sarah runs a boot camp in Saugus for women and men alike to come and get fit. Click our ‘Wellness’ tab to get a glimpse of the hard work done every Wednes

In the world of fashion and empowerment, Shaylia Thomas, a creative force and cancer survivor, stands out as the founder of SabotageMe. Facing a life crisis led Shaylia to discover her passion for fashion and self-expression, ultimately inspiring her to create a brand that embodies courage, strength, and individuality.

Shaylia's journey took a pivotal turn when diagnosed with stage three cancer in 2014 during her final year of college. Despite the urgency of her situation, she successfully underwent chemotherapy and graduated in 2015. Unfortunately, a relapse in October of the same year led her to a stem cell transplant and intensive treatment. This challenging period became a catalyst for self-discovery, prompting Shaylia to explore her love for fashion and makeup, transitioning from a self-described tomboy to a fashion entrepreneur.

In 2018, Shaylia officially launched SabotageMe, a brand initially focused on lingerie. The name, she explains, is an oxymoron representing chaos, rebellion, fierceness, and empowerment. It reflects overcoming self-sabotage and embracing one's strength in the face of adversity. Shaylia's commitment to body positivity led the brand to pivot to body suits, aiming to desexualize and accentuate the beauty of diverse body types.

Shaylia's foray into the fashion world began with sharing her style and opinions on YouTube in 2018. Positive responses and messages inspired her to delve into entrepreneurship, creating tutorials and advertisements for various brands. Recognizing her potential, she redirected her focus to her personal brand, culminating in the establishment of SabotageMe.
A graduate of Cazenovia College in upstate New York, Shaylia faced challenges in a predominantly women-focused and less diverse environment. Despite her struggles, she excelled in academics and sports, playing volleyball at the collegiate level. Diagnosed with Hodgkin's Lymphoma during this time, Shaylia's determination to complete her education remained unwavering, shaping her career path in human services.

Shaylia, now a cancer survivor and successful entrepreneur, aims to shift her focus to the backend of her brand. She aspires to enhance media exposure for her brand, embellish her website, and build a collaborative team. Embracing the collaborative spirit, Shaylia seeks to work with new creatives in the days of social media where genuine collaborations are a rarity.

Art remains a core aspect of Shaylia's journey. Recently showcased in a Chinatown art gallery, her brand fuses fine arts with fashion. Through art exhibitions and live events, Shaylia creates spaces that encourage self-expression, attracting bold and outgoing individuals who resonate with her philosophy.

Shaylia Thomas, the resilient creative, has transformed her adversity into a platform for empowerment and self-expression through SabotageMe. As she takes a step back to focus on the strategic growth of her brand, Shaylia's journey continues to inspire and empower individuals to embrace their uniqueness in the world of fashion and beyond.
House Fashion Week (HFW) Fall 2023 left an indelible mark on Boston's fashion scene, captivating audiences with a blend of artistic tradition and a strong sense of community. In exclusive interviews with HFW founder David Jean and production manager Rae White, we delve into the heart and soul of this extraordinary event. In this article you’ll get a glimpse of the individual conversations with both David and Rae, paired with photos from the events throughout the week.

What sets HFW apart is its focus on connecting designers and models beyond New England. Rae shared stories of designers like JUS-10 from New York, who created a jacket paying homage to Boston, featuring iconic landmarks like the Citgo sign and the legendary bar, Slades. Rae, originally from Trinidad, aspires to work with designers from her homeland to complement her native culture.

Concerts and tours have come to a halt since the coming of the Coronavirus pandemic, forcing artists to find innovative ways to connect with their fans. Specifically, R&B artists are collectively shifting their focus from consumer to art. Artists like Jazmine Sullivan, Jhene Aiko, Kehlani and Queen Naija bear it all on their most recent projects, focusing less on catchy choruses and more on poetic expression through song-writing. Continuing this theme of "bearing it all" is SZA in the alternative genre. SZA released “Good Days” at the end of 2020, on Christmas, as a gift to her fans. Since its release, "Good Days" has been at the top of Billboard's Hot 100 chart. On February 21st , during its 9th week on the charts, SZA announced through an instagram post that her single had just went platinum, selling over two million copies in the United States. She captioned the post, " Proof of life. Good days is platinum ? thank you beyond a caption????? " .

I think it's high-time we reflect on the magic of "Good Days".

What exactly makes "Good Days" so special? Well, it's a mixture of things. SZA's fans have waited over three years for a solo project by her since the release of her debut studio album CTRL, in 2017. Her voice was missed. But even moreso, her genius lyricism was missed. It's also nice to witness SZA's growth as not only an artist but also as a woman. I thought it was a testament to her womanhood that SZA (a usual hopeless romantic) used her heartbreak as the backdrop for this particular story. She made her life the subject of her inspiration, rather than relying on a love interest as her muse like she has done so many times in the past on songs like "Sobriety" and "Love Galore " featuring Travis Scott. On one hand, SZA is emerging from heartbreak in "Good Days", but on the other, she is healing. As the song progresses, her regrets and doubts are replaced by acceptance, and we get to heal with her.

SZA redefines a "Good" day in a time when so many of our days have been questionable. While we maneuver these news transitions, and care for our mental states, while depression creeps up into our everyday lives, and the questions about the future persists, SZA teaches us several lessons about what having a "Good" day really means.
There is something paradoxical about how SZA presents all the binaries in her song. Her lyrics are filled with opposing ideas but yet these opposites cannot exist without each other . There is an inside and an outside, a dark past and a hopeful future , fear but also courage. She begins the song with a dichotomy between the world in her head and the one outside of it, "Good day in my mind/ Safe to take a step out/Get some air now". She starts out feeling confident and decides it may be safe to step outside of her thoughts and literally, physically step outside. But she quickly realizes that she is not ready, “ Too soon, I spoke. You’ve been heavy on my mind", then she's back in her thoughts. She describes this process of trying to make sense of this heartbreak as a war going on in her mind, "Trying to make sense ( or cents) of loose change/ Got me a war in my mind". I think that anyone who has experienced heartbreak, or any trauma for that matter can relate to that feeling of your mind literally battling to let go of the pain.
How does SZA cope with the pain? Through acceptance. I've been wondering for so long what that line about armored fate meant. She sings, "Choose to watch/ While the world break up in front of me/ All the while, I'll await my armored fate with a smile". SZA is known for her wordplay and she is familiar with double entendres, like the one she used in the line about making sense/cents of loose change. While tumbling down the rabbit hole of google, scrolling through rap genius summaries, and SZA's tweets, I came across a Wikipedia Page explaining the term Amor Fati, "Amor Fati is a Latin phrase that may be translated as "love of fate" or "love of one's fate". . . used to describe an attitude in which one sees everything that happens in one's life, including suffering and loss, as good or. . . necessary". This is SZA's attitude on " Good Days". Otherwise, why would she be waiting with a smile? Another way to read armored fate is that anything armored is protected, it cannot be assaulted or affected. She could be acknowledging the fact that fate is concrete, and you cannot change it no matter how much you stress, or maneuver. This could be why she chooses to wait with a smile.

The most important take-away is that SZA is processing her own healing experience, which involves isolation, self-doubt, regret, fear, and insecurities. Heartbreak is not the main focus of "Good Days", but I don't necessarily think healing is either. I think " Good Days" is celebrating the transition or the process and all of the parts in between heartbreak and healing. Sza chooses to relinquish a need to control her circumstances and instead allows herself to just go through the motions. Sometimes, we focus so much on the end goal we forget that living is all in the process.

This January 2021 marked the year of Authenticity for the Black Woman. It is an interesting time for us in America, right now. While most things seem to be at a stand-still, black women are forging ahead in all industries, delivering a clear message to the world that says: "We are here".
January 20th, 2021 marked a monumental moment in American History. Kamala Harris ( a graduate from the historically black college Howard University, and an member of the Alpha Kappa Alpha sorority ) became the first black woman to be voted Vice-President of America. Ironically, after President Trump made a mess of the country, they sent a black woman in to clean up the mess.
With her unapologetic confidence, Harris made it very clear that she would not shrink herself to pacify the American public, and quickly became a beacon of inspiration for black girls all around the country. But this would only be the beginning for us.
As a response to police brutality and the growing oppression of white supremacy, many black consumers started "buying black", pouring money into black industries and businesses, truly recognizing, and finally giving credit to the work of black creatives in all fields. Black creativity has become the theme of this Black History Month, with the notion that this world simply cannot exist without it.
Black women: This is the year where we strip away the layers that no longer serve us and we show the world who we truly are. Black women are not a monolith. We come in many shapes and forms. We as individuals are able to shape-shift all throughout our lives. We are ghetto, and we are boujie. We are submissive but we are also leaders. We can twerk and we can code. I bet you somewhere out there, is a black girl who can twerk while coding!
Whether it’s by chopping off your perm, or simply choosing not to code-switch at work, this is the time for black women to step into their power by stepping into their truth. And the truth is: We are reclaiming our position at the head of modern society.

Early this December, Lavanyai put together a photoshoot to celebrate ambition and the pursuit of one's dreams! These classic photos were taken by @HarleymPhotography was a gracious host at his Brockton based studio headquarters. The beautiful Lavanyai was styled by @IamTwistID and the shoot was directed by creative director @evetheedancer. Click the shows tab to see the behind the scenes of the shoot! ?
Sarah is focused and sure is showing it by helping others reach their athletic potential! Every Wednesday evening Sarah runs a boot camp in Saugus for women and men alike to come and get fit. Click our ‘Wellness’ tab to get a glimpse of the hard work done every Wednes